Monday, March 24, 2014

Axutil Commands fo MS Dynamics AX

                            Axutil Commands for Microsoft Dynamics Axapta 2012  

I hope you people know about the architecture of Microsoft dynamics AX, Layers and Models concept before doing any import or export of models.

To know the Models available in Modelstore:

axutil list /config: <specify the AOS name which is mentioned in Server Configuration>

To View the model elements :

axutil view /model:<model id> /config:<Specify the AOS Name>

To Create a model in the specific layer in the Specified AOS:

axutil create /model:<model name> /layer:<layer name in which you want to create> /config:<Specify the AOS Name if you have multiple servers installed in the same machine>

To Delete the existing model :

axutil delete /model:<model id> /config:<Specify the AOS Name>

To export the model store:

axutil exportstore /file:"specify the location where you need to export the file" /config:<Specify the AOS Name>

To Import a model store:

 axutil importstore /file:"specify the location from where you need to import the file" /config:<Specify the AOS Name>

 To Edit a model properties using manifest in axutil:

Axutil edit /model:"model id" /manifest:Version="<to which version you want to change>",Publisher="<company name or the publisher name>",Description="<any meaningful description will be helpful>"

To export a model:

axutil export /model:<model id> /file:"specify the location with .axmodel extension" /config:<Specify the AOS name>

 To Import a model:

A model can be imported using several options which can be defined in the Axutil Command

       Sample import of a model:

axutil import /file:"specify the location path where model file is available." /config:<Specify the AOS name>

      Import with Conflict overwrite option:

Use this option when you want to overwrite the complete model with a new one.

 axutil import /file:"specify the location path where model file is available." /config:<Specify the AOS name> /conflict:overwrite

     Import with Conflict push option ( only for developers and technical consultants):

Use this option when you want to merge the objects in higher layer and move it back to the existing layer.It is mainly used to achieve the functionality with new functionality. 

axutil import /file:"specify the location path where model file is available." /config:<Specify the AOS name> /conflict:push

       Import with conflict overwrite and also use replace keyword:

Use this option when upgrading from older version and replace keyword used to identify the model which is existing in the model store.

axutil import /file:"specify the location path where model file is available." /config:<Specify the AOS name> /conflict:overwrite /replace:"model name"


Hope you people like this post.

Thanks for reading and Happy Daxing...:)

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