Monday, June 1, 2020

Set Default Model in Visual Studio while creating new projects in D365 F&O

Hi DaxTeam,

Welcome to the blog. Here is a quick tip to set the default model in Visual Studio in D365 F&O.

Problem Statement: 
We will be working on a model to customize the objects and every time for a new Change request/ Bug as an initial step we create a Visual Studio project.
As per the setup provided by standard Microsoft, it will always create the project in "Fleet Management" and we need to change every time to our respective model. Below you can find the steps.

To set the default model for newly created Visual studio projects, 

1. Navigate to the below path 
        C:\Users\<Dev VM login User ID>\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Settings

and search for the XML file -- DynamicsDevConfig

Dev config XML file

2. Edit the XML file in Notepad and search for the keyword - "DefaultModelForNewProjects"
and add your required model name in the XML tag and save the file.

set default model

3. Now close and reopen the visual studio and create a new project. It will by default select the model which was mentioned in the above config file.

Note: We can also set the default web browser, default company to open the F&O client in the above-mentioned config file.
I hope it saves some time for you and it really did for ME .. !! 

Happy Daxing...!!